If you are looking for a small business listed for sale,
mom and pop shops, vocational businesses, or other small businesses with few employees, usually with the owner actively involved in the operation,
- Click here to check for businesses listed in Mississauga
- or change location to the city of interest to you, if it's not Mississauga.
If you find a business of interest to you, get back to me to pursue
tool and die maker for the harware industry available $600k
machine shop makes and modifies dies for plastic injection - available $750k
If you are looking for other types of Businesses, contact me
Below, for your info, are examples of businesses I have been handling
- Rental and sale of tools
- Rental and sales of audio visual equipment
- Roofing Contractor
- CNC Precision Machining
- Metal Plating Business
- Electrical Motors service, sales, and rebuild
- Manufacturer of conveyors
- Manufacturer of plastic bottles (blow molding process)
- Plastic parts manufacturing using the injection molding process
- Manufacturers of machinery
- Manufacturer of cutting tools
- HVAC sheet metal components manufacturer
- Office supplies sales
- Office equipment dealer
- Plumbing & heating service business
- Nursery and garden Centre
- Automotive parts manufacturer (metal stamping)
- Industrial distributor fasteners
- Motor Vehicle test & repair centre
- Importer and distributor of cutleries & giftwares
- Private career college
- Book Binding business
- Printing Business
- Computer sales & Service business
- Paper Box Manufacturer
- Manufacturer of drying equipment
- Automated testing station equipment manufacturer Sales $5 mill
- Manufacturer, industrial work stations, Sales $1.4 mill
- Mechanical contractor, HVAC, Sales $1 mill
- Wholesale Industrial Distributor, Sales $1.8 mill
- Design and Manufacturing of Industrial heat chambers, Sales $3.5 mill
- Manufacturer of Plastic Assemblies
- Sheet metal manufacturer
- Sales of industrial supplies
- Manufacturer of paper boxes
- Auto Body Repair Shop
- Computer training facilities
- Cafeteria in Office Building
- Fast Food Outlet in underground mall
- Nursery and Garden Centre
- Coffee shop
- HVAC Contractor
- Importer and distributor of components for industrial machinery.